Kahnawake Expected to Increase to Red COVID-19 Alert
Written by Paul Graif on 30 September 2020
Effective at 6 am tomorrow (Thursday Morning) the Kahnawake COVID-19 Task Force is increasing to its highest alert level for the community, Red. There are five recent confirmed cases in the community, the first spread in Kahnawake in more than three months. Family visits will be suspended at the long term care facilities.
“Visitation will be moving to red visitation phase as of Thursday morning for KMHC, for the Elders Lodge and for ILC,” said Lisa Westaway the Executive Director of the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre. “At KMHC families of residents were contacted today (Tuesday) so that they can be advised prior to us coming to advise the community. The residents were also advised today (Tuesday) individually so that they can be aware.”
Natural caregiver visits and end of life visits will be maintained at the hospital, as will weekly update phone calls and zoom video chats with family.
The reason for the increase to the red alert according to Commissioner of Public Safety Lloyd Phillips is because of what is happening nearby. “Around the community, the south shore region and greater Montreal, as we see the situation around COVID-19 is evolving very rapidly. Things are progressing much faster than most people had anticipated,” Phillips said.
(Last updated 5:17 pm Wednesday, September 30)