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Some cigarette stores in Kahnawake have put in requests to the Task Force to be reclassified as convenience stores due to COVID restrictions in the community. If and when permission is granted on a individual basis the stores will have the right to remain open for retails sales. However, tobacco sales will continue to be […]

Some potential good news on Thursday, a day after a positive COVID-19 test was announced for a resident at the Turtle Bay Elders Lodge. Lisa Westaway, the Executive Director at the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre, appearing on Kahnawake 911, says the test earlier this week came back as a weak positive. “When we retested the […]

Today, the Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Peacekeepers issued fines to a business on highway 132 for selling tobacco products to non-locals. Kyle Zachary is the public relations officer for the Kahnawake Peacekeepers: “The fines issued today are for contravention of the Task Force directives, specifically directive 55, in which tobacco stores are to be closed for the […]

A resident at the Turtle Bay Elders Lodge has tested positive for COVID-19 according to a release Wednesday night from the Kahnawake COVID-19 Task Force. The resident is the first in any of the facilities in Kahnawake to come down with the virus. According to the release they are in good health. All residents have […]

There are 23 active cases of COVID-19 in Kahnawà:ke as of Sunday night. As the week start off with elementary school students in the province now back in classrooms with high schoolers scheduled to return Monday the 18th. All this as the 8 pm to 5 am daily curfew went into effect in the province […]

Beverly Delorimier, member of the finance committee of the Catholic Church of Kahnawà:ke on what is happening with Church mass in community: “Through a directive by the Diocese, the Church is now going to be closed until February 8th, so no masses until February 8th. The Priest will be saying mass, but nobody can go. […]

Five new cases of COVID-19 were announced in Kahnawake on Thursday. Three cases have officially recovered. The total sets a new record as there are currently 16 active cases in the community. “We are still seeing an increase in cases,” said Lisa Westaway, the Executive Director of the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC). “This is […]

The COVID-19 outbreak at Kahnawake’s Turtle Bay Elders Lodge (TBEL) from New Year’s Eve, is now under control. According to a release from the Kahnawake COVID-19 Task Force none of the residents have shown any COVID-19 symptoms. They continue to be followed by nurses from Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC) daily. COVID-19 screenings will continue […]

An internal tobacco group meeting was held at the Knights of Columbus parking lot today to express frustration with the latest Covid-19 protocols that were put in place. Elected Official Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer and fellow Covid-19 Task Force member Arnold Lazare were present. Sky-Deer says she understands the groups concerns and it starts with communication: “There’s […]

The Moderna vaccine is coming to Kahnawake today for the most vulnerable. Lisa Westaway is the Executive Director of the Kateri Memorial Hospital Centre (KMHC). “Our elders at KMHC in-patient and at the Elders Lodge will be vaccinated on Wednesday,” she said.” “This is really exciting news.” Residents at the Independent Living Centre (ILC) will […]

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