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Jordan’s Principle Campaign

Written by on 24 April 2024


In their ongoing efforts at improving global health and social services for Kahnawa’kehró:non, a promotional campaign between PlanIT Consulting and Onkwata’karitáhtshera has been launched to promote ‘Jordan’s Principle.’ The purpose of the campaign is to ensure that parents and caregivers of those under 18 are aware of the services provided under the guise of Jordan’s Principal. Jordan River Anderson, a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation suffered through multiple disabilities and, due to ongoing disagreements between the provincial and federal governments who could not agree on who would pay for his at home care, Anderson lived for over 2 years in a hospital where he died at the age of 5.

Jordan’s Principal seeks a quality for First Nations children to fill gaps that exist in publicly funded health, social and education programs. The campaign aims to support Jordan’s legacy.