Mother’s Day Gift Drop Off Goes well at KMHC
Written by Paul Graif on 10 May 2020
Lisa Westaway, the Executive Director at the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center (KMHC) thanked Kahnawake families for coming by to drop off gifts for their family members on Mother’s Day on Sunday. “I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful experience that was,” she said. “The employees really were having a wonderful time meeting with you. Family members, from what i saw, really enjoyed dropping gifts off and how our residents and our elders really enjoying receiving.”
Westaway says the community health check is going very well. As of Friday they have reached out to over 1000 homes in the community.
Lloyd Phillips, the Commissioner of Public Safety, cautioned that businesses will likely have to remain patient until the death rate comes down in Quebec. “The one thing that is for sure is that the death rate is not changing,” Phillips said. “Matter of fact today it jumped a bit. Over 140 people had died in the past 24 hours in the province of Quebec. The bulk of those in the Montreal area. So certainly the numbers don’t show that things are improving.”