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This weekend three fencers from Kahnawake’s Ardimento Fencing Academy will be traveling to Norwich University in Vermont for the King of the Green Mountain tournament. Uncle Machete, Tiohnekote Swamp and Jérémi Mercier will compete in longsword. Uncle Machete will also compete in the Rapier and Sword and Dagger categories.
There will be a complete closure of the access and exit ramps to the Mercier Bridge, from Saturday, December 14th at 10 p.m. until Sunday, December 15th at 5 a.m.; and again, from Sunday, December 15th at 10 p.m. until Monday, December 16th at 5 a.m. The ramps affected are from the-132 westbound, towards […]
Essa-Tech will be conducting a CCTV Inspection of the drainage network along Old Chateauguay Road (the OCR), Kirby and Mohawk Beach Roads from Monday, December 16th to Friday, December 20th, weather permitting. The MCK says that the work is part of preparatory efforts to rehabilitate the OCR and Kirby Roads. MCK staff will be […]
K1037 News has learned that Winona Polson-Lahache is leaving the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake (MCK). She has been the Chief Political Advisor since November 2, 2015, and at the MCK since April, 2012. In that time, she has served under three Grand Chiefs, the late Joe Norton, Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer and, since late June, Cody Diabo. […]
Records smashed as the Kateri Memorial Foundation announcing that more than a quarter-million dollars was raised through the 10th annual Karonhiaráhstha’s Winter Wonderland. The final tally, just over $260 000 for the week-long event. Lisa Skye is a Board Member and Treasurer with the Foundation: “It’s an amazing amount of money that was raised, […]
The Kahnawake Peacekeepers have issued a vigilance warning as they have received numerous complaints from towns residents of unsolicited scam phone calls. The PK’s saying that the caller requests a money transfer from the person who answers the phone call so they can be released from jail. If you receive a fake call such […]
2 and a half weeks after an initial threat, a second shooting threat was called in to the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center. The hospital went into immediate lockdown after the call came in around 2:40 pm on Saturday afternoon. The Kahnawake Peacekeepers quickly secured the building and were able to trace the origin of […]
From March 11-13, 2025, the first edition of the Indigenous Connections Summit will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Tiohtià:ke (Montreal). It is organized by the Ashukan Institute in collaboration with KWE! Meet with Indigenous Peoples Festival. The Summit will foster discussions to understand, act, and measure progress in reconciliation between Indigenous […]
Hydro-Québec announced its Strategy for Economic Reconciliation and to Strengthen Relations with First Nations and Inuit. The Strategy aims to define more concretely the organization’s commitments to Indigenous communities and ensure that they have the chance to participate fully in major projects of the energy transition. It’s part of Hydro’s 2035 plan. This past spring […]
The Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office (KEPO) and the Capital Unit of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) are conducting geotechnical studies through December 20th ahead of the replacement of 4 culverts in the community. That work will only take place next fall. Tyler Moulton is the Environmental Projects Coordinator for Aquatic Habitats at KEPO: […]