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The investigation into allegations of sexual abuse against the late Father Leon Lajoie will conclude on Friday, February 25th. Once the investigation is completed, the MCK has been informed a final report to the community should be expected sometime in March. The investigation firm was appointed and is funded by the Jesuit Order of Canada. […]

Kahnawa’kehró:non who receive Social Assistance benefits will be getting additional COVID-19 funding, intended to off-set essential living expenses and the rising costs associated to the pandemic. Each client file will receive the same amounts regardless of the amount of people residing at a particular household and it will be retroactive to November, 2021. The period […]

On Tuesday, The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) and the Six Nations of the Grand River (SNGR) signed a Mutual Cooperation Agreement on Gaming, Both territories are collaboratively committing to: “defend, by any means possible, our Indigenous jurisdiction over gaming, and the socio-economic benefits our communities would derive therein.” The Agreement facilitates a memorandum of […]

Organized by Quebec Native Women (QNW) and the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM) a vigil and march was held in downtown Montreal Monday evening to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). “There’s many provinces across Canada that do a vigil or a march on this particular day,” Nakuset, the Executive director […]

The Covid-19 Task Force held a Facebook live update on Kahnàwake 911 Thursday, that was broadcast on your community radio station, K1037. Lloyd Phillips Commissioner of Public Safety was at the podium with news on the continued staggered easing of measures in the community. Phillips saying that there you can expect significant changes in progress […]

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke passed the drafted ‘Terms of Reference’ documents by consensus at yesterday’s duly-convened Council meeting. These ‘Terms of Reference’ (for the Grand Chief and Council Chiefs) were developed in response to the direction given by the community during the MCK’s Governance Project consultation.  These consultations identified a need for a document […]

Starting the week of February 21st, the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center will be giving Covid-19 vaccines at the hospital by appointment only. This measure was taken due to limited space and based on current safety measures in place. The KMHC will be taking names and planning the clinic dates based on need, types of vaccines […]

There will be two Community Feedback session for the Kahnawà:ke Residency Law and Kanien’kehá:ka of Kahnawà:ke Law. With 4 total regulations drafted under both laws, they will be reviewed for community feedback via online Zoom sessions taking place: tonight (Tuesday) from 6:30 to 8:00 pm and again on Thursday, February 10th, from 10:30 am until 12 noon. An additional […]

Reaction from the Kahnawake COVID-19 Task Force after reports that Quebec will be loosening some of the COVID restrictions with an announcement this afternoon at 1 pm from Premier Francois Legault. “All the things we’ve been moving forward thus far, some are in line with what Quebec is doing. Some other areas we are definitely […]

The Nisoonag Partnership representing Serpent River, Sagamok-Anishnawbek and Mississauga First Nation plans to begin searching the former Spanish residential schools for possible human remains. Josie McGregor of Kahnawake attended the Spanish residential school for girls from 1940-51 beginning when she was just five years old. Now 88 years old She still has a difficult time […]

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