Author: Paul Graif
Page: 54
After a distinguished 34 year career, Dr Suzanne Jones will be retiring from the medical profession and her work at the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center by the end of the year. “I have mixed feelings. I have been with the community for 34 plus years and I’m very attached to the community,” an emotional Jones […]
A Montreal production company says it will stop using a French-language casting phrase after a former K1037 employee turned down a gig because of a word deemed offensive used in the file name of his contract. Daybi had been cast to portray a First Nations man in a Health Canada ad promoting safe mask usage […]
The United States are once again being hit hard by the coronavirus where over 129 000 people have died. There has been a recent spike in cases in places such as Arizona, California and Florida. Chris White, who is from Kahnawake, lives near Orlando. “As of last Saturday they had made face masks mandatory, 100% […]
Overnight Closures for The Mercier Bridge and surrounding roads are now confirmed, weather permitting. The Mercier Bridge will have lane closures on June 29th, June 30th & July 1st between 9:00 pm to 5:00 am. Meanwhile the Kahnawá:ke/south bound Mercier Bridge will see a partial left lane closure at the beginning of the span for […]
Tuesday will be the last day on the job for Vinny Montour after a quarter century at Kahnawake Public Works. “I’m ready. Knees are kind of creaky,” Montour said. He spent most of those years keeping Kahnawake beautiful with his riding mower and weed trimmer. “Well I liked when the splash pad first started operating. […]
The ministère des Transports wishes to inform road users that that due to the unfavorable weather conditions forecast for the weekend, the closure is postponed to a later date.
The Mercier Bridge will be down to one lane in each direction all weekend long. The work begins at 11 tonight and lasts until 5 am on Monday. The Airlie entrance will be closed to head to the Kahnawake/Southbound span during that time.
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke says that it has begun exploring a potential Aquaponic food project as part of the movement towards food security and food sovereignty. Chief Cody Diabo, the lead on the Environment Portfolio at the MCK: “There’s a fish kind of farming, or fish growing schematic to it. It’s the fish waste […]
The Splash Pad by Orville Standup Park is closed for urgent maintenance. That means it will be closed until Tuesday, June 30th. Meanwhile, the Splash Pad at the Kahnawà:ke Sports Complex remains open with a monitor on staff who is there to ensure that the rules are followed, including social distancing.
Several changes in administration are being implemented at two schools under the Kahnawake Education Center (KEC) banner. Merrick Diabo has had the interim moniker removed from his title as Kahnawake Survival School (KSS) Associate Principal. A position he has occupied since February, 2019. “What he demonstrated is that he was a quick learner. Very enthusiastic. […]