KSCS Mental Health Walk Towards Recovery
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 30 August 2022
With mental health issues surging, nurturing mental wellness has become a top priority for the community. Kahnawake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services is there to support those who might be experiencing difficulties during these ongoing strange-times by organizing a community walk to encourage unity amongst one another. KSCS has partnered with community and non-local organizations to provide resources and support in an effort to eliminate stigmas associated with mental health and addictions. With that, KSCS is encouraging all Kahnawa’kehró:non to walk in solidarity towards a healthier future and are reaching out for you to participate in tomorrow’s community event: Walking Towards Recovery.
The event will run from 11am to 2:30 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, at the Sports Complex grounds (Arena). The setup will be similar to The Indigenous Block Party and our K1037 Family Fun Day Events. Kara Diabo, Prevention Worker for addiction from KSCS, on event details:
“We’ll have about 25 organizations set-up on the ground so people can walk around and get different resources, there will be giveaways and a lot of networking opportunities. We also are going to have a walking path set-up, so it’s going to be similar to the ‘Purple-Ribbon Walk,’ where people can walk as much as they want, it’s a socializing event, really just getting that physical activity in, because we know there’s a lot of greats links between physical activity and how you feel.”
The event will run from 11am to 2:30 pm tomorrow, Wednesday, at the Sports Complex grounds (Arena). The setup will be similar to The Indigenous Block Party and our K1037 Family Fun Day Events. Some of the activities include: A walk to promote all aspects of wellbeing; a free BBQ lunch. Diabo on some of the incentives to join in the walk:
“We’re going to have some free lunch there, we’re going to have corn on the cob and some Italian sausage, so that should be nice. We have Primary Prevention will be doing the cooking. We have a dj on-site, so DJ Sky will be there playing some music, he’s going to have speakers too. We have Black Box Gaming coming, we invited KSS to come, it’s their orientation day and their looking at trying to bring students.”
Organizations can showcase their mental health/ addiction services (or provide support/volunteer at the event); Stickers to celebrate community members who are on the path to recovery; A harm reduction pop-up booth; Guest speakers; and wellness prize giveaways. The KSCS Mental health Walk towards recovery is on tomorrow. Food friends and Fun.