Respect and Courtesy: KSCS

Written by on 29 March 2021

Kahnawà:ke Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services has issued a release in which they are asking for respect and courtesy when members of the community deal with their staff, the staff who are there to help.

Cheryl Zacharie is the Director of Family Preservation Clinical Services at KSCS:

“We understand that people are you know highly emotional, I’m guessing that people are frustrated because we don’t have services immediately available at all times. We’re doing our best. But then, what their doing is, is that they’re verbally attacking some of our workers and taking their frustrations out on them. So all that we’re asking is that people be mindful about the people that they are talking to and being respectful to them whenever they can, because we’re doing our best to try to help everybody in the best way that we can.”

Zacharie says the system is overtaxed at the moment, as evidenced by the wait list for services that was recently put in place by KSCS:

“We understand that the situation in the community and the emotional needs that are coming up, that’s all normal and it’s all legitimate. The thing is we can only do, do the best with what we have and we’re trying to meet everybody’s needs and there are going to be situations where there’s going to be a little bit of a wait list, but we’re really working hard to address those needs and to ensure that everybody gets the services that they need.”

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