The Kahnawà:ke State of Emergency: Another Extension
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 15 February 2021
The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke this morning approved the extension of the current State of Emergency for another 30-day period. It goes into effect on Sunday February 21st. The Resolution includes the extension of the Mandate for the Kahnawà:ke COVID-19 Task Force. The State of Emergency has been in effect since it was initially declared on April 21, 2020. Commissioner of Public Safety Lloyd Phillips was on the Morning D on K1037:
“I did put together a package for council to consider to make some modifications to the Emergency Preparedness Law, which would allow – when appropriate – allow us to end the State of Emergency and move into a recovery phase whereby certain authorities are still vested into to the Task Force, but we’re starting to lessen the measures so we can evolve out of the State of Emergency but still have a recovery plan with some authorities under the Emergency Preparedness Law for us to continue, with the goal of lessening measures as things move forward.”