Pandemic Delays K1037 Board Elections
Written by Paul Graif on 31 March 2020
The Board of Directors of K1037 Radio wishes to advise the community that it is extending its mandate for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Board, which consists of Mouchie Goodleaf, Tonia Williams, Gene Diabo and Joe Delaronde, unanimously agreed that the current situation dictates that an election would best be delayed until the current situation becomes stabilized.
“An election is the farthest thing from most people’s minds at this time,” said Board spokesperson Tonia Williams. “During this time of physical distancing and safety concerns, it wouldn’t be advisable to try to conduct an election. The station has already had to put Radio Bingo on hold due to the same concerns. In the meantime Heather Bauersfeld has been asked by the Board to manage the business affairs of the station on a two days per week basis and has resigned her position on the Board to handle those duties. While the staff continues to provide top-notch essential service to the community during the pandemic, running the station on a day-to-day basis with very little revenue coming in remains a challenge. Thus we will make every effort to maintain consistent leadership through these trying times.”
The station would like to thank its many listeners and supporters for their understanding.