School’s Back!
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 27 August 2024
It’s almost the start of the 2024-2025 year and newly appointed incoming Director Falen Jacobs, who assumes the full-reigns in the next school calendar year, on what has been in the works for this new school year. Jacobs says that making relationships is a priority at the outset of the school year. Parents are encouraged to come in for the orientation sessions:
“We’re requesting that parents attend. It’s a really important time to get information, to meet your child’s teacher, to ask any kind of pertinent questions that you might have. It’s the perfect time too to see how parents can get involved throughout the year, we have many opportunities to engage parents and to get parents involved in the school, so that’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about how they can do that. And all of the students get to know, it’s announced who their teachers are. It’s a fun day.”
Orientation begins tomorrow August 28th for Nursery and Kindergarten by appointment. Grades 1-6 on the 29th from 9-11 am. High School starts on 2 separate dates, orientation for KSS for grades 7, 9 and 10 from 9-11 and then on the 29th grades 8, 11, the life skills and WOTP programs between 9-11/ August 30th will be the 1st full school day of the year. In terms of how the teachers are feeling Jacobs says the energy is there:
“The sentiment is that the teachers had a really restful and well-deserved break, we had our school opening at KSS last Monday where we had all the schools come together it’s our tradition every year we meet at KSS, we have a tobacco burning and an opening done in the language and we welcome all of our returning teachers and our new teachers, we do have quite a few new teachers through the system, so we give them that welcome. The sentiment is, the energy was very positive on that Monday, teachers are just excited to get back into their classrooms and start prepping for an exciting and new school year.”
As for the opening day schedule, orientation begins tomorrow August 28th for Nursery and Kindergarten by appointment only. Grades 1 through 6 will have their orientation on the 29th between 9am and 11 am. High School orientation starts on 2 separate dates, for KSS for grades 7, 9 and 10 from 9-11 on August 28th and then on the 29th grades 8, 11, the Life Skills and WOTP programs, also between 9am and 11am.
August 30th will be the 1st full school day of the year for all students.