R-132 Resurfacing Work: on for 3 Months
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 9 April 2024
Resurfacing work on Route-132 in Kahnawake will resume this Sunday and last for 3 months. Work will only be carried out nightly between 10pm until 5am.
During the roadwork, one (1) lane will be available in each direction, open to local traffic only, and clients of businesses located on R-132. Work will include the repaving of the highway between the base of the Mercier Bridge to the second set of lights. David Lahache is the Transport Coordinator at the MCK:
“They are also going to be doing some curb work and some work on the median at the base of the bridge, that’s going to require some overnight closures and weekend closures as well, but only 1 direction will be closing at a time. Due to the timing of other projects, works on the Mercier Bridge and the Ville-St-Pierre interchange, planning for these closures is going to be a little on the difficult side, but we’ll provide you with all the information when it becomes available to give you a heads-up.”
Last fall the repaving was performed from the boundary and the second set of lights. The 132-138 west service road is planned for repaving as well at some point.