Oil on Our Minds

Written by on 29 February 2024

he Winter Community Meeting held last night at the Golden Age Club. The agenda was filled with conversations on the fuel spill. Ratitsénhaienhs Cody Diabo on the bulk of the conversation steered towards the ever-evolving oil spill:

“It’s still a situation that we need to keep an eye out for, we’re not sure how much diesel is in the territory, we know what we are collecting from the various checkpoints. We still need to get out there and try to organize a larger sweep of the area so we have a better understanding of what we need to do.”

With so many agenda items on the table, Diabo suggests monthly meetings might need to come back:

“There was also brought up again about the quarterly meetings, maybe there are too many things going on right now maybe we have to move back to monthly meetings just so that we can get the information out that because it’s important to do what was brought up at last night at the next community meeting, we need to bring up to say: ‘this is what we’ve done since the last community meeting and the different points that were brought up.”

Diabo saying that another meeting could happen following March Break, in 2 to 3 weeks from now.

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