April Is Earth Month Clean-up
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 30 March 2023
Earth month sounds more interesting than Earth Day. Iotsetehawi Reed from The Waste Management Department in Kahnawake and Julie Delisle from KEPO were on Tetewatharen, the partyline talkshow today on K1037, talking about The Earth Month Clean-up throughout April. This month-long clean-up event is in conjunction with the Call to Action for Earth Month and Delisle says you can check out the new Kahnawà:ke Dumping Tracker designed by The Kahnawà:ke Environment Protection Office and use it for the clean-up. Delisle on how the tracker app works:
“They can take pictures at those areas and put them on this tracker and that information will be sent to KEPO and we can see what kind of materials are there at the sie through these photos. You can put in there what you notice around the area and you can put in there too, if you cleaned-up the area yourself, you can post the before and after pictures and it will help us get a better picture of what’s happening in the community and areas that we need to pay more attention to. So, for the community clean-up challenge that we’re hosting, you can use the app to participate by posting your before and after pictures and that will enter you into the contest for the clean-up.”
Reed says that Waste Management is inviting the community can get involved by using the tracker:
“After you choose an area and you take care of it, you clean it up, you take your before picture and take your after picture and in order to win you have to post the picture either in the tracker or you can send the photos to our Facebook messenger page @Recyclinginkahnawake or you can email the photos to [email protected]. Some of the prizes we have this year are: a kayak, we have a water stand-up board we have Shop Kahnawà:ke Gift Certificates and locally and we also have skateboards that were designed by local community members and other communities throughout Mohawk Territories.”
For more information on the clean-up and tracker app, you can reach out to the Waste Management Department at 450-632-4321 or message them on Facebook @Recyclinginkahnawake. All participants will be entered into a draw for a chance to win prizes.