KSCS Waiting List For Mental Health Services
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 7 February 2023
Kahnàwake Shakotiia’takehnhas Community Services (KSCS) says that it is once again at capacity due to the sheer volume of requests for mental health services. As a result, they have re-implemented a waiting list system. According to a release from KSCS, a triage system is in place whereby the individuals on the wait list can expect to receive check-ins to assess and prioritize their situation. Alanna Kane, Manager of Mental Health and Addictions at KSCS:
“It’s never the kind of announcement that we want to make but we also want to be transparent with the community members so that they know what to expect when they come in for services.”
This is the 3rd time that this situation has occurred since the outset of the pandemic:
“It seems to me like pre-pandemic, sure we would have a lot of requests for services, but we never really needed to have this ‘wait list’ system, necessarily, it’s not to say that folks never waited, but to actually have this system, like a triage system in-place, yeah, we’ve had to do it a few times now since the pandemic. When I started seeing the number right now of people who are coming in and not being able to put them together with someone right away, I thought it was important to just remind folks that we do actually have a wait list right now.”
Services such as the After-Hours Response (contact through Kahnàwake Peacekeepers 450-632-6505) continues to be available for those who need someone to talk with, until such time as they can be connected with a counselor. Community members are also encouraged to contact Mental Health resources such as Info-Santé at: 811; and the Crisis Text Line (for all ages, Powered by Kids Help Phone) by simply Texting HOME to 686868.