New Turning Center on Route 37 in Akwesasne
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 6 February 2023
A new, safe center turning lane will being added to Route 37 that runs through Akwesasne and St Regis. According to Colleen Thomas, the Director of planning and Infrastructure for The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, it’s not a moment too soon. From February 2016 to January, 2021. They recorded 803 vehicle crashes; where 172 involved an injury, 9 of which were considered serious and fatalities:
“I believe our data says there have been 12 fatalities on Route 37 in the area that we are planning this new center turning lane, if this center turning lane helps to eliminate even 1 fatality, I will consider it a success.”
The money is from the U.S. Department of Transportation through the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program. Thomas says the plan is to begin construction in the spring of 2025. Saint Regis announced today that it was awarded over $10 million to improve the safety of motorists along the 4.2-mile stretch of Route 37 stretching between the Speedway and Twinleaf business complexes.