Final Report for The Asbestos Civil Investigation: Prepared

Written by on 19 November 2021

Deloitte Forensics. Inc. prepared a Final Report for The Asbestos Civil Investigation that was presented to the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke and accepted at Monday’s duly convened council meeting. Now the council will meet with each affected department to, as per an MCK press release, quote: “act accordingly and exercise obligation to apply appropriate corrective measures that ensure a safer future for lands in the Territory.”

Cody Diabo is the elected official on the asbestos file:

“There’s a few recommendations and it’s important to note that it’s not say like a singular incident that it just a systemic failure on the MCK over time. So, it’s not something that just happened last year or the year before, this is a long process that sort of compounded and compounded kind of like when you’re renovating your house and all of a sudden the roof is gone and all kinds of stuff, but really it started with a small leak, that leak didn’t get fixed, it got bigger and bigger and now all of a sudden you need a new roof.”

Diabo is hopeful that the executive summary of the ‘Final Report’ will be made available to the community in about 2 weeks. Back in May of this year, the MCK engaged Deloitte to begin their independent investigation.

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