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2-Week Tent Reprieve

Written by on 29 April 2021

On the Partyline Talkshow on K1037, Iohahiio Delisle and Carla Sky came in studio and talked about the Raphael Andre Warming Tent that was set up in March in Cabot Square. The tent was erected to provide aid and warmth for Montreal’s Indigenous population. As first heard here on K1037 today, there has been a reprieve to the closure of the tent on Saturday. Delisle volunteered his time at the tent along with his wife Carla coming back and forth from Kahnàwake to Cabot Square delivering food:

“This tent initiative, the warming tent initiative was coming to a close, but I was recently just notified today that there was a 2-week extension that was given by the City of Montreal and as well as from Quebec, so I would like to thank Valerie, Ms. Valerie Plante as well as Quebec for extending the initiative for an additional two more weeks.”

Mary Goodleaf and her husband Barton of Kahnawake first donated $25 000 to erect the tent and pay for security as over 4,500 meals have been served since the tent went up in March.