Tobacco Talk
Written by Jeremy Zafran on 6 January 2021
An internal tobacco group meeting was held at the Knights of Columbus parking lot today to express frustration with the latest Covid-19 protocols that were put in place. Elected Official Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer and fellow Covid-19 Task Force member Arnold Lazare were present.
Sky-Deer says she understands the groups concerns and it starts with communication:
“There’s still some frustration on the part of people in the industry about the closures, recommendation from the (Covid-19) Task Force until the 31st of January. So, they you know just wanted to, I guess vent also to a representative from Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke about their concerns of what they felt was a lack of communication, you know, just wanting to ensure that their voice is heard.”
Having 1st hand information is important for the group and they would like a seat of the table:
“If they’re going to have a representative, is something that they want to be able to sit at the Task Force and hear the information directly, not necessarily to have a seat and have decision making authority but you know just to get the information 1st hand, about what is going on and why these decisions are being made that impact you know, a large segment of the community.”
As an employer of a large segment of the community and with the assistance of the KERM, the hope is that cooler heads will prevail.