Housing Payments To Resume October 1st
Written by Paul Graif on 10 September 2020
Due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Housing Unit of the MCK was able to implement deferred payment agreements with a number of its clients in order to assist and support community members through the challenging period. With many community members now back at work, the normal payment schedules will resume effective immediately. Davis Montour is the Director of Housing for the MCK:
“We’d implemented the payment deferrals shortly after the whole pandemic basically broke out on a full scale, so this went out pretty much right around April 1st, more or less and it was a measure to assist our clientele in terms of taking care of their primary needs at home. With the economic uncertainty of Covid, we didn’t know what the economic impacts would be on people’s lifestyles, the cost of things due to the pandemic. So we adapted that so our clients could live a good lifestyle.”
Montour says things can be reviewed if any shutdowns should re-occur:
“At this point, a lot of businesses and industries have re-opened pretty much under an adaptive format, some business are at full capacity at this point. We more or less looked at things under the scope of that, most people are back to work, most people are back to their regular income, so we’re just re-implementing the payment schedule that people had already been paying prior to the pandemic.”
Letters will be sent to those clients affected.