Community Health Check Confirms No New Cases of COVID-19
Written by Paul Graif on 20 May 2020
The community Health Check has been a big success in Kahnawake, reaching over 20 percent of Kahnawakero:non. 825 households participated between April 30-May 14th, with an average of 2.5 people per home. That amounts to 2000 people who were surveyed. “This is actually a really wonderful number. It gives us a good representation of the community and gives us a good idea of the profile of the community,” said Kateri Memorial Hospital Center Executive Director Lisa Westaway
56 people were tested as a result. And according to Westaway there was no increase in positive cases as a result of the testing.
“We can see that the community is generally feeling well,” she said.
The Survey will be redone three weeks after the reopening of business, still scheduled for June 1st, and the results will be compared to the first check.
Commissioner of Public Safety Lloyd Phillips says the results are a very good marker for how the community is doing and how things will be after businesses reopen.