Tips On How To Shop Safely in the Age of the Pandemic

Written by on 13 May 2020

Commissioner of Public Safety Lloyd Phillips says the Task Force postponed today’s scheduled meeting until Friday. They are looking closely at all aspects of how things will proceed for businesses once phase one for the reopening is allowed (the target date is June 1st for Kahawake ). Phillips said they are still examining as to when certain measures can be released as well as how that would affect businesses and non business people in the community alike.

KMHC Infection Prevention and Control Nurse Leslie Walker-Rice had some tips on how to safely go shopping at the essential stores, such as grocery stores. Walker-Rice said that it is very easy to casually come into contact with other people, in the parking lot, at the entrance to the store or in the aisles. “When you go to a store, make sure that there is a structure or organization,” she said. “Do they make sure that people are maintaining social distancing? Is there hand sanitizer or washing? Are there wipes for the carts? See if there are directional routes in the stores ie. arrows on the floor. Don’t linger in the store.”

As for protecting yourself and those around you? “Wear a mask if you want to. But wear it properly, wear it over your face. Don’t touch your mask. Don’t touch your face. Don’t wear gloves, you don’t need gloves. You just need to wash your hands at every opportunity,” she said.

Walker-Rice strongly encouraged people to shop as closer to home as possible in order to limit possible exposure to the virus.

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