First Day of Community Health Check Goes Well
Written by Paul Graif on 30 April 2020
Director of MCK (Mohawk Council of Kahnawake) Client Based Services (CBS) Alexis Shackleton says that so far approximately 900 community members have signed up for the Kahnawake Economic Relief Measures Fund (ERMF). Shackleton says their team got the first payments out within three weeks of the beginning of the program. The financial relief is for individuals who have lost employment due to the pandemic. Shakelton says the ERMF is for those who don’t qualify for the Canadian Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB). “It’s an alternative to CERB,” Shackleton explained. “Individuals should only access one fund for support. That includes the CERB, EI (Employment Insurance), or the Kahnawake fund. For those who didn’t have T-4 last year, then they would go on this program.” They can be reached through CBS at 450-638-0500.
Day one of the community health check proved fruitful. 66 homes responded to the calls from the KMHC health professionals according to Lisa Westaway the Executive Director at the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center (KMHC) .
“We brought in seven people to the drive through testing site for appointments today simply from having spoken with you through the health check. So that’s wonderful news,” Westaway said. Nine people called the KMHC us from their cell phones for those who don’t have land line, in order to participate in the health checks.
Task Force Member Arnold Lazare said that New York state is beginning to open up and that means that many of the Ironworkers may head back to work south of the border.
“The directive of people coming in from New York is still in effect, and the last thing we want is someone bringing a positive (Covid-19 test) from NY,” Lazare said. “If you do choose to go back, which and that is certainly your prerogative, the directive would say that you would have to self-isolate, which means staying away from your family for at least two weeks. It doesn’t make much common sense to come back for two days if you’re going to be spend your time in your self isolation room.”