Hometown Staff Helps Prevent Spread of Virus Among Elders in Kahnawake
Written by Paul Graif on 13 April 2020
As part of the new directives from Quebec and long term care residences, there will not be any transfer of Covid-19 confirmed patients to the Kateri Memorial Hospital Center (KMHC). “We have created a Covid-19 positive ward at the KMHC, but we have not used that, we have no positive cases,” said Lisa Westaway, the Executive Director of the KMHC.
Any suspected cases at the Elders Lodge or Independent Living Center (ILC) will immediately become hot zones – meaning they will be quarantined in their room and all safety precautions will be taken. Infection control and prevention is being stepped up at all three locations. Training sessions are increasing with employees at the Elders Lodge and ILC. They are also being supervised and monitored on every shift that the protocols and measures are being properly followed. They are also making sure that the employees are respecting physical distancing between themselves. Staff health is also being monitored more closely and more often throughout the day. They are now required to fill out a questionnaire on their health on each shift as they arrive at work. They are also reducing the number of staff that is in contact with one resident. This does not mean a reduction of staff, it means they will be reorganized so fewer different people are in touch with the patients.
Westaway said that they are monitoring the physical and mental health of the patients and are now writing that down in each chart. Video calls have begun for many of the residents to their loved ones. Westaway said that all of the patients will soon be connected via IPads to their loved ones for video or Facetime calls.
Westaway knows that they are fortunate in Kahnawake that most of those who work at the KMHC, Elders Lodge and ILC, live nearby. “80% of our staff are from Kahnawake and they have a vested interest in caring for our elders,” Westaway said.
“If there is any time that measures have to be adhered to, now is the time,” Commissioner of Public Safety Lloyd Phillips said.
The Kahnawake Peacekeepers were called to several family gatherings over the Easter weekend to break up the groups. Phillips said it’s important that people keep the gatherings to those who live under the same roof.