Task Force: No Pool Workers or Gardeners From Outside Kahnawake

Written by on 5 April 2020

The emergency isolation shelter for those who are returning from travel or for front line health care workers has been set up in Kahnawake. In order to access it call KSCS 450-632-6880 and ask for the intake worker for the shelter. Psycho-social support remains available as usual through KSCS during regular business hours. Someone is always on call after hours as well. Call the Peacekeepers and ask for the on-call worker 450-632-6505.

Lloyd Phillips, the Commissioner of Public Safety in Kahnawake says the number of positive cases in Quebec has now doubled in just five days to over 8000. 94 people have died from Covid-19. In Kahnawake there are a handful of cases according to Phillips.

“The measures that we took in Kahnawake, which in many cases are stronger even than what the province is doing, are working. We have a handful of cases in Kahnawake. That’s something that on behalf of the community I’m proud to hear. I’m happy to hear that. That means we are on the right track,” Phillips said.

One of those measures is preventing workers from outside communities coming in to Kahnawake for non-essential work. Phillips said that includes companies which open up swimming pools and those that perform gardening services.  “We are trying to minimize the amount of people not from Kahnawake coming here unless you have an essential purpose. At this point in time a pool is not deemed to be an essential thing.  We don’t want to jeopardize the community’s safety for the fact that somebody wants to open up their pool,” Phillips said.

Quebec will release their projections on Tuesday on where they see the number of positive cases peaking. The Kahnawake Covid-19 Task Force is working on their own numbers for the community and will have those ready later in the week as well.   

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